To provide your IT infrastructure with ready-to-use,
seamlessly integrated digital solutions

Starting your own company?

We develop digital ecosystems to support your business.

Launching a new service?

We’ll make sure the solution you choose meets your needs. We’ll also manage your information system integration.

Looking to upscale your performance?

Optimize your IT processes with DGT Consulting. Keep your costs down and leverage our innovation expertise while maintaining your company’s agility.


Discover our solutions and start your digital transformation today!


Driving your business productivity through digital

Whatever your IT expertise, whatever your project, you are guaranteed added value with DGT Consulting.

Let your teams focus on core business and simplify their day-to-day tasks by increasing business productivity.

Discover our processes and learn how to boost your ROI through digital transformation.

Flowers in Chania

Automate your tasks

Finding it hard to manage your recurring tasks and file transfers? DGT Consulting lets you automate and plan your digital solutions, saving your employees precious time.

Digitalize your processes

Want to innovate and streamline your operations to improve your performance and eliminate time-consuming tasks? Digitalize your processes to add value to your organization.

Leverage your data

Want to save time on data analysis and automate your dashboards through recurring data? Implement digital practices for faster and better performance.

Monitor your security

Want to secure you data and workspaces? With DGT Consulting, you can implement security tools that will ensure business continuity.

Interface your solutions

Want to connect your solutions to accelerate operations and enable a 360° overview of updates to your ERP and CRM items and interfaces? Integrate and connect your solutions with your information system.

Our founder


Boris Viresolvy



Most frequently asked questions

Contact Us

I am not sure my company is eligible. How can I find out?

No need for panic! Your company is automatically eligible if you have an information system. We work with companies and projects of all sizes. There is just one common denominator: they are all focused on gaining digital expertise.

What’s an IS?

An IS—or Information System—is a key component of any company. It manages data for all your resources, from employees to software. An IS has four operating functions: it collects, stores, processes and disseminates information.
It’s important to distinguish an information system and a computer system. The latter is a subset of your information system, combining a company’s IT solution package which includes applications, programs and networks. You must also remember that information systems heavily depend on company computer systems.

Robust information systems can be used to support decision-making in companies and organizations.

With this in mind, what key criteria are needed to develop a successful information system?

It needs to be fast.
It needs to be secure.
And it needs to be reliable.

DGT Consulting: Why we’re different?

As a Group, we take pride in our independence. Our expertise provides a structured consulting approach. At DGT Consulting, we identify the strategy that best meets your needs. We champion transparency and integrity and we’ll always give 110% to support your projects.